

Pro-Jet has been created to support companies and research institutions in funding their R&D projects. Through a personalized service, dimensioned on the enterprise size (SME, Great Company), or R&D Institution (Academic or private), funding opportunities are evaluated and selected, according to the activities the customer is involved with.


I have worked for some decades in R&D projects, as researcher at the beginning, and as R&D manager later. I worked with important great companies, in different technical sectors, like Telecom, ICT, Semiconductors, Micro and Nanotechnologies, Micro ElectroMechanical Systems, Life Science. I have often been committed to seek funding opportunities for our Research and Innovation projects, and developed a strong experience in European, National and Local programs. I have directly participated to building projects at European level, sometimes leading consortia with several partners in Integrated RTD projects in FP5, FP6, FP7 and H2020 programs, including Universities, Research Centers, companies. I have particular experience in supporting SMEs for their projects. I have been frequently requested by EC as Expert, to serve as Evaluator for proposals to FP5, FP6 and FP7 programs. I am currently offering my experience to institutions, public and private, wishing to access the funding opportunities, supporting them in the complex procedure of proposal submission.


In summary, what Pro-Jet offer is:

  • Monitoring of funding opportunities, at Local, National and European level, both for one and two stages calls, and open calls.
  • Supporting the consortium building, selecting partners (academic and industrial), based on the specific characteristics of the proposal
  • Helping to define the project, according to the call topics and objectives
  • Assisting in the proposal writing, in the timing of submission deadlines
  • Controlling the project costs and the requested contributions
  • Submitting the proposal on the web portals of the funding institutions, and maintaining contacts with them
  • Managing possible negotiation phases
  • If requested, the project management, as direct involvement in the project, as well
  • If requested, supporting the technical and financial reporting


Local projects, funded by regional institutions

  • European initiatives, like Horizon2020 Program 2014-2020, LIFE, Euratom, etc.
  • National programs, promoted by different Ministeries (Health Research and Innivation, Economic Development, Environment, Industry, Agriculture, Foreign Affairs, etc.)
  • Local projects, funded by regional institutions


Our office is located in Torino (ITALY), but we act on the whole continent!
Phone: +39 335 5892676
e-mail: livio.cognolato@pro-jet-consulting.eu
skype: livio.cognolato
http: pro-jet-consulting.eu